Photographs by Gabrielle Mullinax,
Fullerton Photographics, Inc.
(L-R) April Gentry, Cherry Allen
Account-ologist: A person who studies or has knowledge of accounting. That is the coined term with which we relate, for accounting is not a means to a tax end, but instead has an intrinsic value buried deep into the number-roots of every business and we, “Accountologists” study those rooted numbers and help the business owner understand their business story through the reports Profit & Loss Statement and Balance Sheet.
We are the Key to Keeping Business.
(Note: We are a non-CPA, non-tax service)
Concierge Accounting

Business-keepers Consulting proudly provides superior, intrinsic accounting to one-person business owners whose business model keeps them on the road or traveling around the world. Whether you are a professional athlete, an artist, or a solopreneur, we can serve your accounting needs from our central location while you are off and running in the direction your vocation takes you.
Accounting & Bookkeeping

Having accurate financial statements is critical to making financial decisions about your business. The processing of Sales, writing checks, recording deposits must be maintained on a regular basis in order to know where you stand with your cash flow. Business-keepers provides bookkeeping services to maintain your records on a timely basis. We can also oversee your own inputting and reconcile your bank accounts on a monthly, quarterly, or annual basis.
For over 20 years we have been in the trenches of accounting with business owners, CPAs, and student, so we have learned accounting from the inside out. It’s a different view when you are deep in the dirt of the nature of numbers. Over the years we have developed measures to train those that want to learn the Basics of Accounting in ways that make the theories easier to learn.